Gaming pile of shame report – August 2019

Well, it has been over six months now since I posted about my gaming pile of shame, so how am I getting on? I guess things are progressing, albeit slowly, and I kind of blame a few reasons for this… (such as anime watching, catching up on TV docs and also planning my 2020 Japan trip).

If you haven’t seen my original post – Gaming pile of shame – Can you break old habits? Jan 2019 – Please do check it out, just so you can see my original never-ending list of despair.

Anyhoo, to quickly explain here, a gaming pile of shame could be down to procrastination or time spent doing other ‘important’ things like chores (yay), which suits me fine (cry) but also plays on the mind every single time I purchase a new title.

As my birthday rolled in last month I was blessed with a £10 PSN voucher from my mate Dom, so I did what any sane person would do and bought a new game to add to the existing pile.

Except it wasn’t a quick to finish indie title to make myself feel better…. I just bought Monster Hunter World….

This means I now have a game which could easily sap over 100 hours of my lifespan added to the pile…. oops!

Now, I started up this list to try and keep the yearly promise (to myself) to complete the main story of each title I own. So far for 2019 then I have only completed a quarter of individual titles that I did versus 2018… 3 vs 12… Oh dear…..

Completed 2018

Persona 5
Mario Odyssey
What Remains of Edith Finch
Breath of the Wild LOZ
Night in the Woods
Life is Strange 2
Final Fantasy XV
Ni No Kuni II Revanant Kingdom
Pokemon Sun
Cat Quest
Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy (1)

2019 is half finished already… where did that go!

Looking back at 2018 made me wonder how on earth I managed to finish them, but a few I did start back in 2017. So far this year I don’t feel like I’ve been able to keep up the pace…. However, one of the reasons for this is a huge time sapping draining JRPG you may have heard of, Dragon Quest XI. Therefore, many of the below games are still left unfinished

Almost finished games

World of Final Fantasy (PS4) – probably about 5-8 hours left
Kingdom Hearts (PS2) – dropped and re-started on PS4
Tomb Raider 2013 (PS4) – not touched since Jan
FFIX (PS1) – not touched since Jan
FFX (PS3) – not touched since Jan
TMNT (PS4) – not touched since Jan

Currently ‘playing’ from January list

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu (Switch) – Played in the past week
Spider-Man (PS4) – not touched in last three months
Yakuza Zero (PS4) – not touched in last three months
Beyond Two Souls (PS4) – Little progress made
Octopath Traveller (Switch) – Little progress made

New games added and currently playing since last post (excludes casual)

Hitman collection (PS4) – One of the games I like to stream
Kingdom Hearts (PS4) – Just finished Alice in Wonderland
Overcooked 1 (PS4) – Final boss level to do
Overcooked 2 (PS4) – Started around my birthday
Monster Hunter World (PS4) – BRAND NEW
Nippon Marathon (PS) – Story mode to do
Tales of Berseria (PS4) – It’s a tales game okay…

Completed 2019:

Dragon Quest XI (PS4) – Not done a review yet, did some of the ‘post game’
Fe (PS4) – A review of which is up on my Pile of Shame thread, or you can read it here!
Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy 2 (PS4)

Played in the last 6 months

Seasons after fall (PS4) – Nice to play in between other games
Flow (PS4) – Nice to play once in a while
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PS4) – Scary bit made me put it down

Not played but own

Uncharted 2-3 (PS4)
Crash Bandicoot (3) (PS4)
Yonder (Switch)

Unfinished games that have been played in the last few years

Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
Tales of Xillia 1-2 (PS3)
FFVIII (PSVita) (Dropped to wait for the FFVIII remaster!)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
No no kuni (PS3)
Yoshi’s Wooly World (Wii U)
Uncharted 1 (PS4)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Yooka-Laylee (PS4)
SAO (PSVita)
Persona 4 Golden (PSVita)
Tales of Hearts R (PSVita)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions (Wii U)

Casual games for me

Sims 4 (PS4)
Stardew Valley (PS4)
Catalatiral damage (PS4)
Skyrim (PS4)
Akiba’s Trip (PS4)

Finished games from 2017

What Remains of Edith Finch
Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
Tearaway (PS4)
Persona 4 Dancing all Night (PSVita)
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapure

Share the shame – repent!
Have you got a pile of shame? Want some support (there, there, we are in this together) then drop me a tweet or feel free to share this around to impress or stun the daylights out of those who you know, loves the games I have yet to finish.

Contact me!



Gaming: ‘Fe’ is a charming indie title worth exploring

Pile of shame of progress at last. This week I finished a charming little game called Fe. I’ll admit that despite its enchanting world and adorable creatures, the game sat unfinished since I snapped it up from the Playstation Store in 2018. Oh the shame…

Fe is one of those titles that can easily be finished in a few hours (well the main story at least), but I’m pleased to have spent time to get a feel for what this game is all about.

You are Fe, a fox-like singing creature whose mission is to communicate with nature and protect it from unknown enemies. This is where the Silent One’s enter, mysterious space-like robot suits whose sole mission appears to be capturing any living creature to catch their spotlight gaze.

The game expects you to venture into the world and learn songs with enchanted beasts so that you can communicate with difference species and open up exploration. In doing so, you find shards along the way which enable you to gain different abilities – tree climbing and gliding and running in a sprint for example. These abilities help you traverse different forests, oceans and the snow, extending the little creatures reach.

Whilst it’s an easy game to understand, there are a couple of difficulty spikes along the way (such as climbing a giant moving target and trying not to fall off repeatedly), but once you get the hang of it you will honestly enjoy exploring the world. As you progress you’ll find it hard not to anticipate the end of the story.

The game plays really well too, just be sure to keep tabs on your surroundings at all times using the camera tilt and map, and take advantage of the call feature to get birds to help you find your way (turn map markers on too). Some points need good lighting, so keep this in mind so you don’t fall down a black hole by accident (yes I did that, I learned my lesson).

As I avoid the spoilers in this mini recommendation post, I will say that the end does have a surprising twist, and honestly, I was really pleased to see the story come to ahead and have the credits roll. The story may be short in some reviewer’s eyes (reviews have been pretty average it seems), but as a full-time worker and a JRPG fan, the journey through Fe was at a digestible pace. There is replay value for those looking to get trophies too, as a platinum is on the table for completionists (but you’ll need every shard and a few other things in the process to get one).

You can get Fe on many different platforms, not just Playstation, so personally I think the Switch would be a great choice if you’re not fussed with trophies and want to play on the go.

So if you’re interested, do check out Fe and give the indie dev some love (Zoink), they have other games coming and I know I for one will be keeping an eye on what’s coming next! 🙂

Gaming pile of shame – Can you break old habits? Jan 2019

Now, if like me you play video games, one of the things you might ignore, or can’t admit to having a problem with, would be the gaming pile of shame. DUN DUN DUN!


Some of you who are sensible to purchase, play and complete one video game at a time like a routine (shower, breakfast, work / school, eat, game, sleep, repeat) may not understand what I am talking about, so let me explain.

It all started in the 90s

As an invested gamer since the late 90’s I’ve had a love and hate relationship with the completion of video games. This involves me choosing a new shiny game, play it for a few hours (sometimes 50+) and nearing the end of its main quest (as you can tell I’m ultimately talking out RPGs) I get side-tracked and pulled to a completely different game. Thus, begins the pile of shame.

Digital joys create another layer to a pile of shame

Not only do I have a physical pile of shame that spans across a few decades, but I also now have a digital pile of shame. This hasn’t been helped by sales granted, but also the portability of games has had its impact (handhelds, Switch, mobile, online and more indie titles). This has inevitably increased choice and the ways we play video games. So whilst we have a bit of saturation of games, it has still given gamers and newcomers more titles to absorb, so long as they are consumed responsibly of course!

A time for change

Well, as a 2018 new year’s resolution (and yes I am aware this is 2019 now, but I decided this in January 2018), I promised that before Christmas I would complete some of my backlog. I also promised myself to create a list of my shame and categorise the games I intend to finish, those unloved and those unfinished and finally those that are never to see the light of day…

One of those promises I managed to keep (which I am thrilled to bits about let me tell you) was completing some games! So for 2018 (and this was a very brief tally and may extend) I completed the main campaign of the below games:

Completed 2018

Persona 5
Mario Odessy
What Remains of Edith Finch
Breath of the Wild LOZ
Night in the Woods
Life is Strange 2
Final Fantasy XV
Ni No Kuni II Revanant Kingdom
Pokemon Sun
Cat Quest
Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy (1)

Moving into 2019

However, I now need to continue this good run (as its 2019 and there are now more games on my play list and wish list), I also need to create my pile of shame list, but here are a few that my brain is reminding me about:

Almost finished games

World of Final Fantasy (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Tomb Raider 2013 (PS4)

Currently playing

Spider-Man (PS4)
Yakuza Zero (PS4)
Dragon Quest XI (PS4)
Beyond Two Souls (PS4)
Octopath Traveller (Switch)

Played in the last 6 months

Seasons after fall (PS4)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PS4)
Fe (PS4)
Crash Bandicoot (2)

Not played but own

Flow (PS4)
Uncharted 2-3 (PS4)
Crash Bandicoot (3) (PS4)
Yonder (Switch)

Unfinished games that have been played in the last few years

Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
Tales of Xillia 1-2 (PS3)
No no kuni (PS3)
Yoshi’s Wooly World (Wii U)
Uncharted 1 (PS4)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Yooka-Laylee (PS4)
SAO (PSVita)
Persona 4 Golden (PSVita)
Tales of Hearts R (PSVita)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions (Wii U)

Casual games for me

Sims 4 (PS4)
Stardew Valley (PS4)
Catalatiral damage (PS4)
Skyrim (PS4)
Akiba’s Trip (PS4)

Finished games from 2017

What Remains of Edith Finch
Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
Tearaway (PS4)
Persona 4 Dancing all Night (PSVita)
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapure

Share the shame – repent!
Have you got a pile of shame? Want some support (there, there, we are in this together) then drop me a tweet or feel free to share this around to impress or stun the daylights out of those who you know, loves the games I have yet to finish.
